Charlie Webster joins us in Uganda to fight malaria
Our special ambassador, broadcaster Charlie Webster, visited Uganda last month to see the impact malaria has on a country that saw 12,000 people die last year from a totally preventable and treatable disease. Charlie herself suffered from malaria in 2016 during her charity bike ride in Brazil, she was told that she had 24 hours to live but luckily she survived.
Charlie is very passionate about supporting the fight against malaria. When we invited her to join us on a trip to Uganda, she knew it was a brilliant opportunity to learn more about the disease and how we can all play a part in becoming the generation that ends malaria for good.
During the trip, Charlie met Edith and Mazima who lost their daughter Asha to malaria just six months ago. A child dies from malaria every two minutes, from a disease that we know how to treat - with further investment we could save millions of lives.
It disgusts me that they’re dying for no reason. Malaria is completely preventable. I’m no different from the people here.

Charlie also saw how international aid can really make a difference to people’s lives. She joined Pharaoh, a volunteer who visits local communities to administer healthcare. This was a difficult moment for Charlie as it meant getting back on her bike for the first time since contracting malaria in Brazil. For Pharaoh, cycling is the only way to visit as many people as possible.