Our campaigns
Zero Malaria campaign
A malaria-free world can be achieved, and youth across Africa will be at the forefront of the generation who will end malaria in the continent.
What started as the grassroots Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement, is now the global Zero Malaria movement to end malaria.
Zero Malaria is a positive, bold, ground-breaking campaign with a focus on Africa, to inspire public interest and action pushing for political action to halve malaria across the Commonwealth by 2023.

Zero Malaria Britain

Malaria Must Die campaign
In 2017 the World Health Organization's annual World Malaria Report showed that the years of progress that had been made was under threat.
Organisations large and small, far and wide, joined together to take action. In February 2017 David Beckham launched the Malaria Must Die, So Millions Can Live campaign.
By April, the campaign had reached one billion people and had paved the way for the Malaria Summit alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.