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We're creating a new global alliance to end malaria

Together We Are A Dynamic Partnership

ALMA, a coalition of 54 African Heads of State and government, plays a pivotal role in driving accountability and action for malaria outcomes and progress across Africa. Simultaneously, our expertise in creative, disruptive communications and targeted advocacy unlocks vital funds and catalyses action needed to reach zero malaria. As a UK based organisation, we are also able to galvanise and coordinate key UK-based science organisations, pioneering cutting-edge innovation to defeat malaria.

Over the past decade our two organisations have already been working side by side through the RBM, Partnership to End Malaria, helping secure leadership commitments to tackle malaria through the London Malaria Summit in 2018 and the 2022 Kigali Summit for Malaria and NTDs together we continue to amplifying the voices of ALMA’s youth champions and national advocacy efforts, particularly in Kenya.

Through a strengthened partnership, our joint engagements will centre on amplifying the voices of affected communities and strengthening the connection between African leaders and the global community of donors to the malaria fight - especially as we approach the Global Fund and Gavi replenishments in 2025. By raising malaria up the global agenda, we will work to ramp up both domestic and global funding to build a healthier future for everyone.

Together, we can turn the tide against malaria, to save millions of lives, and create a safer world for generations to come.