World Malaria Day 2022: A call for investment
Let's Fight For What Counts
25 April is a day for the world to come together and recognise that if we keep up our efforts, we can end malaria.
Never before has there been as many tools available to fight this deadly disease, we just need the investment and commitment from world leaders so we can roll them out to get them to the right people, ultimately saving millions of lives.
This World Malaria Day we’re celebrating the innovations that could take us closer to ending malaria than ever before.
Ahead of this autumn’s 7th Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria we’re urging the British Government and other countries around the world to pledge financial support so we can ensure that we end this deadly disease in a generation. The UK has always played a critical role in the battle to eradicate malaria from the planet, and so it should continue.
A new campaign supporting British backed science fighting malaria
The new Zero Malaria Britain campaign launched today, that shows that through incredible innovations in British backed science, the country can play a leading role to end malaria to save millions of lives, unlocking economic potential in the UK and abroad, as well as making us all safer from future pandemics.
The campaign calls on the UK Government to make a substantial new commitment to the Global Fund to help end malaria and support the roll out of these incredible innovations and tools, which include vaccines and next-generation bed nets.
Use the Zero Malaria Britain social media toolkit to get involved today
Zero Malaria in Kenya: A new campaign coalition is launched
Ahead of World Malaria Day, Malaria No More UK’s Africa team helped launch the first Zero Malaria Campaign Coalition (ZMCC) in Kenya, under the leadership of Kenya’s Division of the National Malaria Program.
With Kenya’s entire population at risk from malaria, the ZMCC brings together the best of Kenya’s organisations fighting malaria on the frontline to unite behind the mission of reaching Zero Malaria.