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Fighting malaria offers global economic boost

Fighting malaria offers global economic boost

Malaria isn’t just an illness that affects our health. It causes a financial burden that impacts families, communities, and holds back entire economies from achieving their potential – and this is felt globally.

Brand new research commissioned by Malaria No More UK and carried out by Oxford Economics Africa has revealed that by getting back on track to the Sustainable Development Goal of cutting malaria by 90% by 2030 could boost the economies of malaria-endemic countries by an incredible $142.7 billion.

That’s not all. The research also showed that an additional $31bn could be generated in exports to some of the most affected malaria-endemic countries in Africa; with an almost $4bn rise for G7 countries, almost $1.5bn for the US, and more than $450m for the UK. The benefits of falling malaria rates would be felt across the world.

These striking figures provide yet further rationale for the next UK Government, G7 and malaria-endemic countries to continue to invest in the global goal to get the fight to end malaria back on track. 

Every year there are over 200 million cases of malaria, keeping adults off work and children out of school. Despite huge progress over the last 20 years, malaria still claims the lives of over 600,000 people each year. The majority of them are children under five years of age.

George from Kisumu in Kenya shares his story…

Our report shows that sticking to business as usual not only costs the lives and well-being of millions – it leaves billions of dollars of economic progress unrealised, compounding the cycle of poverty through diminished income, employee absenteeism, and additional healthcare costs.

With the release of our report, we’re calling for a strong commitment from the next UK Government, G7 countries as well as malaria endemic countries for the Global Fund and Gavi – the organisations that ensure malaria innovations reach those who need them most. Alongside this crucial support, we need continued investment in malaria research to stay one step ahead and get back on track to ending malaria. These actions will not only save lives but boost economic growth for a stronger, safer world.

Dr. Astrid Bonfield, Chief Executive Officer at Malaria No More UK, said:  

“Investing more in the fight to end malaria can save millions of lives, grow the African economy and boost trade. This can unlock new funds to bolster health spending and strengthen health security in Africa and globally, showing how malaria investment can rebalance economic power and deliver wide-ranging benefits. 

“The rise in global trade with Africa also allows other nations to keep the disease at bay by sustaining malaria research and development funding and continuing to invest in life science more widely to tackle other infectious diseases.  

“In a storm of global challenges, G7 and malaria-endemic countries can work hand in hand to drive greater investment in malaria, through Gavi and The Global Fund to save lives, unlock prosperity and strengthen health security.”