HRH The Prince of Wales named President of Malaria No More UK
We are proud to announce the appointment of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales as President of Malaria No More UK.
The Prince of Wales has long been a supporter of our work and the need to combat malaria, a disease that kills a child every two minutes. At a dedicated Malaria Summit at the time of the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London, His Royal Highness spoke of the need for immediate action to combat malaria:
I've been lucky enough to travel throughout the Commonwealth and have only too often witnessed at first hand the devastation that malaria can wreak on communities… Combating malaria is without doubt an issue of truly global urgency and I’m encouraged and inspired to see how real the determination of the international community is to overcome this dreadful disease.
Now however, despite the recent hard-won successes over the last 12 years with the decline of new cases and a fall of 42 percent of deaths from the disease, it is tragically evident that much still remains to be done.
The Summit led to an historic commitment from Commonwealth leaders to ‘halve malaria cases and deaths by 2023’.
Malaria No More UK’s Board Chair, The Right Honourable Baroness Hayman GBE said:
"Like us, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales shares a passionate commitment to seeing malaria eradicated within our lifetimes. We are deeply grateful for his invaluable support - His Royal Highness has tirelessly championed our concerns and raised awareness of the illness, death and devastation caused by this disease, particularly across the Commonwealth.
Malaria can be ended within this generation, and this mission can only be accomplished by working with leaders from around the world to combat this disease."
James Whiting, CEO, Malaria No More UK said:
"We are empowered by the support of His Royal Highness and look forward to working with him to ensure our global community meets the vital internationally agreed targets towards ending malaria and saving millions of children’s lives in the decades ahead."