GSK supported Malaria No More UK in Employee Volunteering Programme
Malaria No More UK has been privileged to partner with GSK’s PULSE volunteering programme for 2 years. The Programme enables GSK employees to offer their time and expertise to support global health and, in this case, to play their part in ending malaria for good, whilst bringing new ideas and fresh ways of working to the teams they are placed with.
One of our highlights of 2019 was welcoming Matthew Pownall (Corporate Secretariat at GSK), and Yamina Laine (Vaccines at GSK) for 6 months, as GSK PULSE Volunteers at Malaria No More UK.
Yamina joined the Philanthropy and Partnerships team as a partnerships specialist and worked to support the development of a framework for building strategic partnerships for MNM UK. She also helped develop our new partnership with Comic Relief. Reflecting on her placement Yamina shared that she enjoyed the opportunity to work in a completely different context and to be out of her comfort zone, learning new skills by adapting to a new way of working.
I’ve learnt so much from the great people in MNM UK but also the malaria community at large – all valuable lessons that I will take back to GSK with me.
Matthew supported us as a planning and strategy consultant in the Business Operations team providing project management support for a global event MNM UK will be helping to organise in 2020. He also coordinated a major cross-team funding proposal and managed an IT change project. He has enjoyed the opportunity to work in a completely different environment and gain insights into one of the world’s deadliest diseases.
The PULSE Programme has enabled them to contribute to our goal of ending malaria within a generation and to work towards GSK’s mission to help people live better, longer lives.