World Malaria Day 2023
It’s World Malaria Day! Each year this day presents both a moment to celebrate the incredible wins we’ve had in the fight against malaria, as well as an opportunity to recommit to the challenges we still have ahead of us.
Join us to put the fight against malaria in the spotlight and help ensure we are the generation that will end it for good
“Back us to end one of humanity’s deadliest diseases”
In the UK, we’re celebrating the science and innovation that will put malaria in the history books. Rising young scientists from some of Britain’s leading research and pharmacological institutions have come together this World Malaria Day to celebrate the impact that British-backed science is having on beating this deadly disease.
The UK, alongside its global partners, has helped halve deaths from malaria since the start of the century. But now the UK Government must continue to invest in British-backed science and innovation so that we can get the job done and save millions of lives in the process.

As the ‘rockstars of our time’, these rising young scientists have been snapped by the legendary fashion and culture photographer, Rankin, to showcase the innovative ways in which malaria can be treated and prevented. These include ground-breaking discoveries in two malaria vaccine trials, better understanding of the malaria parasite and how it mutates, gene drives, and life-saving new drug development that can beat the growing resistance to existing malaria drugs as well as treating malaria in pregnancy.
Now is the time to get the job done and end this disease. To do this these scientists need continued investment in their research and development to make sure the latest innovations reach the people who need them most.
Get ready to #FightTheBite
In 2023 it is unacceptable that a child still dies from malaria every minute. We need to turn the tide. Malaria, we're coming for you. We won't let you steal from us anymore.
We need governments to invest in innovation and tools to fight the disease as well as ensure those tools get to the people who need them most. To get malaria on the ropes and reach the final round, we must act now.
The Zero Malaria movement has worked closely with communication specialists, dentsu and the Kenyan Malaria Youth Army to produce a new activation, Fight The Bite, for World Malaria Day.

Our global partners and ambassadors are getting behind #FightTheBite. Wherever you are in the world, we need your voice: stand up for urgent action to get the malaria fight back on track, so we can reach Zero Malaria in our lifetimes. Use the toolkit below!
Kenya’s Malaria Youth Army on a mission to #FightTheBite
Embodying the on-the-ground action we need to end this disease, the Kenya Malaria Youth Army has embarked on a mission taking them through counties across Kenya to deliver vital information and sensitisation to communities.
All this is alongside an amazing awareness campaign featuring media and radio activation.
Malaria, you’ve met your match – this is the generation that will end you!

Time To Deliver Zero Malaria
Today, we need to make as much noise as possible to highlight the heavy cost of malaria to lives and livelihoods around the world – and the incredible opportunities the world would see through ending it. We need urgent action from leadership to reach the goal: reduce malaria 90% by 2030.